There have been a number of incidents involving vehicles running over tents at camp grounds and festivals in recent weeks. Most noteworthy is an injured person at Falls Festival and a fatality at a NSW camping ground.
Most recently it has occurred again at Rainbow Serpent Festival yesterday.
Blazing Swan has recently requested Theme Camps to review their site plans to ensure vehicles and tent camping are separated within their areas.
In 2018 we introduced a process whereby any vehicles arriving after dark will be not be allowed to travel to Theme Camp locations to set up camp. After dark arrivals must camp in general camping and may then move to their Theme Camps in daylight hours. This will still be the case for 2019.
Blazing Swan are currently conducting their annual review of their Risk Management plan, with vehicle movement around camping areas a key focus. We aim to implement controls to ensure minimum disruption to camping arrangements, while ensuring that the safety of all Blazers is our highest priority.
Any questions can be directed to safety@blazingswan.com.au
Safety Shaz