Round One Art Grant Applications for 2025 are now open
Second round Art applications are open, closing 12th January 2025
Second round Art applications are open, closing 12th January 2025
READ the Art Installation Guidelines below very carefully. Come to the event and catch up with the Artists and the Blazing Swan Arts Crew and learn from their experience. Be inspired! You can contact our Arts Department emailing us – Addressing your email with “Attention ARTS’.
If you want to incorporate fire into your art, read the FIRE guidelines. All artworks involving fire must be pre-approved by our Fire Team, who can be contacted using the Contact Form on this Website – select for attention ‘FIRE’.
If you need help with you art piece or art ideas, start a discussion with people through our social media sites.
If you need to raise additonal funds for your art, consider using fundraising activities or seeking support from a fundraising site.
You do. The art you create remains 100% yours. That said, if you do not arrange to remove it from the event site within 2 weeks of the event concluding, we wil assume you have abandoned it and arrange to dispose of it and bill you for any expense involved in that.
Anyone aged 18 or over, from novice to professional.
The art will be selected by a panel who will be looking for projects that embody Blazing Swan’s 11 principles, support the theme of the event and add value to the community experience. Sending additional documentation in pdf/jpg format is highly recommended.
Unsuccessful Round 1 candidates are automatically entered for Round 2 grants. Those who don’t get round 1 or 2 grants will be notified as soon as the judges have made their decisions.
If you want us to place your artwork in a public space and refer to it in our Where’s the Fun Guide and map you will still need to register it with us. Registrations for 2024 have closed. You can still display artwork in your private camping area, or you can talk with a Theme Camp to see if they might, subject to safety checks, host your artwork within their Theme Camp.
Grant money comes from our ticket sales.
Even a little goes a long way so please do!
2. Early Entry.
3. Challenge
Creating art for Jilakin Rock City presents many challenges. Consider the physical landscape within the wheat belt, the logistics of transporting props, building materials and equipment to site, as well as the challenge of (difficulty of) using tools and equipment in a place which has no mains power and only a small market for resources (within the Town of Kulin).
4. Sound
Large-scale sound art is confined to the edges of the site. Art installations that contain loud sound elements will need to be placed on the village’s outer perimeter. Some installations require a quiet area, and amplified music makes that impossible. With the open nature of the site, sound carries far and wide very easily. See our Sound page for further information.
5. Leave No Trace
A blank canvas is provided for participants at the beginning of the event on which to create a unique mark, and at the end of the event a blank canvas is all that should be left behind. All traces of Art pieces that burn, MUST BE REMOVED. Leave No Trace is one of the core principles of the Blazing Swan Organisation.
6. Fire and Flame Effects
Important: There are special requirements if your artwork incorporates FIRE in any way. Read more about Art Installation Fire Guidelines.