Ranger Training Update

By September 1, 2018 November 11th, 2019 Participate, Rangers


Howdy Rangers – old, new and in potentia.

As promised we’ve got some Ranger training dates (and Kraken) coming up – mark these in your calendar and make sure you follow the links below to book a spot!

Rangerly Love,

Pommie & Factotum



Ranger Training: Saturday 6th October, 10am – 4pm

Training will be held at Swan’s Nest, Amhurst Road, Fremantle.

Ideal for those who’re thinking about Rangering at Blaze next year…or if you would like to walk a shift at Kraken with an experienced Ranger.

All new Rangers must pre-read the Ranger Training Manual and attend a training session before they can undertake their shifts. Discussion and scenario-based training.


Art of Green Dot: Sunday 7th October, 10am – 2pm

Training will be held at Swan’s Nest, Amhurst Road, Fremantle.

Blazing Swan can be a source of overwhelming experiences. Green Dots are Jilakin Rock Rangers who support participants having an emotional, mental, or spiritual crisis that goes beyond the capacity of their local community and less-specialized Rangers to support, but which does not yet need professional services.

Learn about peer counselling, psychological First Aid and Green Dot & Sanctuary protocols. Pre-reading required, discussion and scenario-based training. Earn a ‘Green Dot’ patch!

Open to any Ranger who has completed basic training and Rangered in Jilakin Rock City or new Rangers with a background in Drugs / Alcohol, mental health or medical services. Contact Pommie if you’re unsure if this is for you.


Expressions of interest for those wanting to walk the beat (beach?) during Kraken :
